[Hidden-tech] using someone else's youtube stream key in OBS

Tom Adams ~ Reelife Productions & Folktography tomadams at gmail.com
Thu May 16 19:38:53 UTC 2024


Looking for tips on how to live-stream to a client's youtube channel using
a stream key that they've given me (via their youtube account)... without
me being logged into their youtube/google account. I can paste the stream
key into OBS but how do I make the actual broadcast happen?
Sorry if that's not clear... be happy to try to clarify ... Thanks for any
info you can provide.


*Tom Adams, Director/Owner*

*Reelife Documentary Productions <http://www.ReelifeProductions.com> •
by Tom* <http://folktography.zenfolio.com>
*Cool Media Production...Not Boring or Dumb.*
*Educating, Entertaining & Enlightening since 1996*
*(413) 575-9707*
* • Williamsburg, MA*
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