[Hidden-tech] Cell phone reception issue

Annamarie Pluhar annamarie at PatientSympatheticCoaching.com
Sun Nov 19 11:54:44 UTC 2023

Thanks for your suggestions.

The number was transferred by Consumer Cellular. The phone is thrown 
out, I have no way of retrieving it. The client did not consult with me 
ahead of time. She bought an unlocked phone. And purchased a new SIM 
card for the phone. I think the issue is cell reception but the 
curiosity is that the old phone with the same company worked just fine. 
Also my iPhone with its StraightTalk account works fine.

I think maybe this is the clue “Also, 5G is *worse* than 4G with 
reguard to all of the above.  The new phone
is probably 5G and is likely having a harder time getting a good 
signal.”  from Robert.

Client is clearly not mentally healthy - is telling me that the 
“hacker” got through her voice mail to open apps on her phone and 
drain battery! Yikes. I can tell she is on heavy psychotropic drugs.

I’m trying to convince her to go with StraightTalk - she’s fixated 
on T-Mobile - which I’m worried about.

thanks again.

Annamarie Pluhar
[Patient, Sympathetic Coaching](http://patientsympatheticcoaching.com)

On 18 Nov 2023, at 10:25, Donald M Stevens wrote:

> Client bought a Samsung Galaxy S-23+
> Threw out her old phone because it stopped working
>             but it did work in her apartment
> *** is it possible she did not unregister her old phone that she threw 
> away?
> *** I am wondering if both phones might currently be active?
> She bought a new SIM card
> *** did the new phone come with a SIM card? If it did, does the phone 
> work fine with the original SIM card?
> *** why did she buy a new one, more space?
> *** where or from whom did she buy this SIM card? From Samsung? From 
> Consumer Cellular? Amazon? Ebay?
> work in her apartment
> It worked in Hadley
> overnight and she got several calls on it
> Tested the phone in another part of the building 5 minutes before 
> seeing her. It worked
> Got to her apartment - phone shows the same message about not being 
> registered on the network.
> Working / Not Working seems to be more of a network connection issue 
> to me, signal strength, location, tower not accepting that device.
> I have had a cell phone I bought from Verizon, changed my service to 
> T-Mobile with a T-Mobile SIM card, could not connect in places where I 
> used to be able to connect with Verizon.
> If you turn off the new phone, call the old phone, what do you get? 
> Does someone answer?
> I think the second thing I would check is to make sure the old phone 
> is disconnected and no longer on the system.
> Good Luck!
> Don Stevens
> TFI technologies
> 329 Pease Road
> East Longmeadow, MA 01028
> Cell / Text: 860.614.4153
> Email: dstevens at tryandfindit.com
> From: Hidden-discuss <hidden-discuss-bounces at lists.hidden-tech.net> On 
> Behalf Of Annamarie Pluhar via Hidden-discuss
> Sent: Saturday, November 18, 2023 6:03 AM
> To: Hidden-Tech Tech <hidden-discuss at lists.hidden-tech.net>
> Subject: [Hidden-tech] Cell phone reception issue
> Hi
> I’m so puzzled about this.. maybe someone has a clue?
> Client bought a Samsung Galaxy S-23+ and hired me to set it up. Has a 
> Consumer Cellular account. Threw out her old phone because it stopped 
> working (Argh!)but it did work in her apartment. She bought a new SIM 
> card for me to install. Phone wouldn’t register on the network. 
> That’s an hour on the phone with Consumer Cellular having them try 
> things. Finally, I took it with the intent of going to the wallmart in 
> Hadley for help. It worked in Hadley. I had it overnight and she got 
> several calls on it. Took it back to her and as it happens was seeing 
> someone in her building just before. Tested the phone in another part 
> of the building 5 minutes before seeing her. It worked. Got to her 
> apartment - phone shows the same message about not being registered on 
> the network.
> I think it’s a cell tower problem. But why did her old phone work in 
> her apartment and not the new one? Anyone know? I’m not well-versed 
> in Android world.
> thanks
> Annamarie
> Annamarie Pluhar
> Patient, Sympathetic Coaching<http://patientsympatheticcoaching.com>
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