[Hidden-tech] Term: Website Language Evaluation

Aaron Taylor-Waldman aaron at taylorwaldman.com
Wed Jan 25 20:10:18 UTC 2023

On the subject 'writing for the web', I've purchased this book 3 times (and
kept giving it to clients): https://www.nicelysaid.co/

^ This is circa 2019, and 'writing for the web' is probably overlapping
with 'ux writing' and similar, since marketing sites are often driving
conversions (ie, clicking stuff)—the language used around CTAs and buttons
and whatnot matters, too.

Here's a tangible example of writing guidelines for internal use—
including writing for the web + SEO — by a company in the EU:

And more blunt/succinct recommendations for a consumer brand (also for
internal use): https://design.hellyhansen.com/1b4c2ca6d/p/22bb39-web

For context, I'm a designer, and often find myself trying to rewrite
jargon-laden copy for a website or app/product—though I am no copywriter!
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