[Hidden-tech] Uniregistry was bought be GoDaddy. Who do folks recommend now. Godaddy is awful

Rich@tnr rich at tnrglobal.com
Fri Apr 22 18:06:38 UTC 2022

Since Mik mentioned numbers, I can say I've had over 2200 domains at 
opensrs as we handled an large OEM account for over 10 years.
Since we sold the company, and kept the domain service because we had 
bulk handling interfaces we now have only a few 100.

Net-net: never had issues that weren't handled quickly.  They also have 
a good email service and domain forwarding builtin with it's own DNS
if you want it -- and various levels of privacy -- the company is in 
Canada which for this purpose with fine for us.

For domains in the group, we passon any reseller price we get.
Warning - which .com are about $10/yr others such as org/net go up and 
eveymore .actor/.artist/.coop are more.


On 4/22/2022 11:47 AM, Michael Muller via Hidden-discuss wrote:
> I have 550 domains at GoDaddy and find them excellent, especially the 
> advanced domain management window. Searches work. Folders for larger 
> classes of domains. Select multiple domains and apply changes to all. 
> Changes are applied and propagated immediately. If you buy the "bulk" 
> reseller account, domains are only about $9.50 a year, depending. Some 
> are cheaper. Their support is great, and is located in the midwest, I 
> believe.
> Shrug.
> Bob Parsons left a long time ago, and good riddance.
> Mik
> Mik Muller, president
> Montague WebWorks
> 20 River Street, Greenfield, MA
> 413-320-5336
> http://MontagueWebWorks.com
> On 4/22/2022 8:56 AM, Lisa Hoag via Hidden-discuss wrote:
>> Hi Folks,
>> who do you recommend for a domain registrar service these days. I
>> liked Unigegistry. Now GoDaddy bought them. The GoDaddy user interface
>> is horrible.
>> Best,
>> Lisa
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Rich Roth
CEO TnR Global

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