[Hidden-tech] Seeking used Mac running at least Catalina

bluemoon at crocker.com bluemoon at crocker.com
Mon Mar 22 20:15:27 UTC 2021


Wondering if anyone has upgraded their Mac and is wondering what to do 
with their old one. As you may know, refurbished machines are pretty 
much unavailable at the moment. I have a client, a newly forming 
non-profit, that would like me to do some work with them and that work 
requires a Mac that will run at least Catalina. I can't afford (nor 
would it be worth it for them) to buy a new one just for this as my 
current machines, both PC and Mac work fine for nearly everything 
else. TechSoup finally has refurbished PCs back in stock but hasn't 
had Macs in nearly a year now.


Gary Powsner


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