[Hidden-tech] Seeking used Mac running at least Catalina

Karl Hakkarainen kh at queenlake.com
Mon Mar 22 22:24:23 UTC 2021

Gary -
I have a 2012 21” iMac that should meet the requirements.
Reply off-list: kh at queenlake.com

On Mon, Mar 22, 2021 at 4:15 PM bluemoon--- via Hidden-discuss <
hidden-discuss at lists.hidden-tech.net> wrote:

> Hi,
> Wondering if anyone has upgraded their Mac and is wondering what to do
> with their old one. As you may know, refurbished machines are pretty
> much unavailable at the moment. I have a client, a newly forming
> non-profit, that would like me to do some work with them and that work
> requires a Mac that will run at least Catalina. I can't afford (nor
> would it be worth it for them) to buy a new one just for this as my
> current machines, both PC and Mac work fine for nearly everything
> else. TechSoup finally has refurbished PCs back in stock but hasn't
> had Macs in nearly a year now.
> Thanks!
> Gary Powsner
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