[Hidden-tech] Caution about excessive doses of Vitamin D supplements

Stephen Michel s at smichel.me
Mon Sep 21 22:44:57 UTC 2020

In addition to the benefits of vitamin D, anyone supplementing at doses 
above ~2000 IU daily should be aware that prolonged supplementation at 
high doses can lead to harmful blood-calcium levels. What's "high 
doses"? It **very much depending on your individual body,** but almost 
nobody will have a problem below 2k IU (note that multivitamins & other 
supplements may also include vitamin D).

My source is these social media comments by a [person who claims to be 
a] parathyroid surgeon (parathyroids are the glands that regulate your 
calcium levels). https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=24063443
She also has a blog with more information on the topic 

I try to write short, functional emails.

On Mon, Sep 21, 2020 at 10:24, Nicholas Arthur via Hidden-discuss 
<hidden-discuss at lists.hidden-tech.net> wrote:
> Making sure you get Vitamin D is solid advice from my research. It 
> will be harder with it getting colder + darker. It's tricky to 
> supplement it from what I've read (poor absorption).
> The evidence for Vitamin D is not conclusive, but it's enough to take 
> action on considering that a Vitamin D deficiency is a bad thing 
> anyway. You can look at papers like this one 
> https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7360122/
> Communication from the scientific community is in a rough place right 
> now, and there absolutely is financial + political motivations. I 
> think they are largely "boring", eg, not deep conspiracies but simply 
> people nudged in a direction by needing to get grant funding, or to 
> not look stupid, etc. Additionally, it's hard to get a complex 
> message across. Consider full lockdown, getting outside to get your 
> Vitamin D would conflict with orders to stay inside. Nobody wants to 
> look stupid and say "go outside with as much skin exposed to the sun 
> as possible for exactly 15 minutes, but other than that don't go 
> outside!".
> Cheers,
> Nick


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