[Hidden-tech] Hat tip to Chris Martenson

john coster john.medicineb at gmail.com
Mon Sep 21 14:25:17 UTC 2020

Bram, I agree with your epistemological concerns. What I found most
compelling about Martenson's coverage was his ferreting out of logical
and rhetorical trickery in certain key scientific papers as well as one
clear case of fraud in a paper published by the New England Journal of
Medicine. The latter was retracted but not in a way that made headlines. I
also found his suspicions, based on the genetic code alterations, that the
virus originated as a bioweapon very compelling. This is the opinion of a
number of informed people including the man who wrote our anti-bioweapons
regulations, Professor Francis Boyle, who cited documents describing this
very research. I do take issue with your point about conspiracy theories
and 9/11. It seems to me that, from the assassination of Julius Caesar to
the murder of JFK, history teaches us that conspiracies are a driving force
in history. I've never seen any logical way of NOT concluding that 9/11 was
the result of treasonous elements within the security state, perhaps
working with certain foreign actors. I would refer you to the work of David
Ray Grifin. That is another discussion, but I think there is real danger in
allowing those who have not honestly discussed the origins of COVID to
control the narrative of how we respond to it. Rob's reference to his
results from vitamin D is an example. Its usefulness seems well established
though it is not a magic bullet. I do believe that the deterioration of
mainstream media, along with the obvious failures in the Trump
administration and institutions like the CDC (recommended masks many weeks
after Martenson) is a prime reason why when it comes to COVID, we're number

On Sun, Sep 20, 2020 at 8:12 PM Bram Moreinis via Hidden-discuss <
hidden-discuss at lists.hidden-tech.net> wrote:

>  I am so sorry to hear you are a long-haul sufferer, Rob.
> I lost one of my oldest friends to a QAnon-like COVID19 conspiracy group
> and I am highly suspicious of “alternative theories”.  I don’t think we can
> throw out the scientific community just because of the politicization of it.
> But this is a survival question for you, so I did not mean to judge you
> and I’m sorry if I came off that way. Sincerely I am sorry.
> As I indicated, I came across Chris Martenson along time ago, advocating
> that we should all hoard silver  Because the economy was about to collapse.
> He sounded very convincing. 9/11 truthers sound very convincing.
>  I just don’t think that Secret conspiracy theories are where we should
> put our energy right now: there are very obvious open conspiracies
> happening right in front of our noses, And we really just need to pick a
> couple that there’s no shortage of evidence for an organize around those.
> But I’d love to have a drink with you, coffee or whatever, and hear how
> are you doing, and listen openly do what you have to say.
> Sincerely,
> Bram
> --
> Bram Moreinis
> 845-750-2412 (txt)
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> This email was composed on a mobile device and may have been dictated.
> --
> Bram Moreinis
> 845-750-2412 (txt)
> - - - -
> This email was composed on a mobile device and may have been dictated.
> On Sep 20, 2020, at 12:41 PM, Bram Moreinis <bram at greenfielddigital.com>
> <bram at greenfielddigital.com> wrote:
> His definition of Integrity as "open to any ideas from anywhere" is kinda
> the opposite of mine, Rob.
> I don't know that Hidden Tech is the place to have this discussion --
> kinda surprised it made it through the "moderator" -- but to me, while an
> "open mind" is the gateway to integrity, the qualifier of integrity is that
> we check what comes un against what we already know,  and what we already
> know is an organized system of information we've checked against past
> experience and trusted epistemologies (ways of knowing what's true).
> Having an open mind without having such an internal, organized, and
> cross-referenced system of understanding means being susceptible, in my
> book.
> Regarding Chris Martenson - how much "junk silver" did you stockpile in
> 2007?
> -Bram
> On 9/20/2020 10:32 AM, Rob Laporte via Hidden-discuss wrote:
> Hi All,
> I feel compelled to acknowledge publicly the very valuable service that
> local Chris Martenson provided in his ~6 months of unpacking the science of
> the pandemic at his YouTube channel
> https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCD2-QVBQi48RRQTD4Jhxu8w . He stopped
> regular posts recently, but I highly recommend his recent ones about the
> science (studies, data) on how important vitamin D is in preventing Covid
> and reducing its impact. One of those videos points to an MD's channel that
> also has excellent reviews of the science, still going.
> I'm a Covid "Long-Hauler" who experienced far worse health effects than my
> ~3 week initial infection March-April, and vitamin D seems to have done
> wonders. It plays a very specific role in Covid's biochemical cascade
> (explained in the above videos). A huge study (n>50,000) in Spain recently
> confirmed the benefits of vitamin D in Covid, with far more impressive and
> statistically reliable results than, for example, the ~$3300 per treatment
> Remdesivir.
> Note that I would not post anything here or anywhere about Covid that does
> not reference solid science entailing peer-reviewed (or in process of that)
> studies.
> Take Care,
> Rob Laporte
> Chief Business Development Officer | Founder | Chairman
> DISC, Inc. - Making Websites Make Money
> 413-584-6500
> rob at 2disc.com | LinkedIn <https://www.linkedin.com/in/2disc/> | 2DISC.com
> <https://www.2disc.com>
> *NOTE:* Emails can be blocked by spam filters throughout the web. If you
> don’t get a reply within an expected span of time, please call.
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> Martin Bram Moreinis, Designer/Developerhttp://myinstructionaldesigns.com
> (413) 829-0355
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