[Hidden-tech] structural engineer needed

Donald M Stevens dstevens at tryandfindit.com
Tue May 19 16:17:50 UTC 2020

Good Afternoon All HTers...

I have a barn that I am converting into a garage. I have some rotted post that I need to replace. I may want to move them to provide better use of the space.
Does anyone know of a structural engineer or someone familiar with building structures that could look?
My barn is in East Longmeadow, but I could also send dimensions / pics / videos if that is easier.


TFI Technologies
"we are here to help you...."
329 Pease Road
East Longmeadow, MA 01028
Office: 413.224.1568
Cell / Text: 860.614.4153
Email: dstevens at tryandfindit.com<mailto:dstevens at tryandfindit.com>
LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/don-stevens-504aa6b<https://www.linkedin.com/in/don-stevens-504aa6b?lipi=urn%3Ali%3Apage%3Ad_flagship3_profile_view_base_contact_details%3Bzo%2BD4wDfQ%2FCDVF26QLPsXw%3D%3D>
Skype: tryandfindit

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