[Hidden-tech] Working remotely for out of state company

Aaron E-J the at otherrealm.org
Wed Mar 25 16:15:21 UTC 2020

You probably need to do tax forms for the state your employer resides 
in, as well as MA. There should be a place in the MA taxes that says 
that your employer is in another state (or it will recognize that it is 
automatically).  When I worked out of state a few yeas ago, I think I 
only got taxed in the state I was working.  I could be wrong about that 
but I think that is how it worked.  Unless it is a contract, then you 
just pay in MA because you own your business and it is based in MA 
(unless it is not, but probably if you have a corporation based in 
another state like Delaware, you would already know these things or 
would have an accountant that does).

Aaron E-J
The Other Realm LLC
http://theotherrealm.org (Blog)

On 2020-03-25 8:35 AM, Bethany Seeger via Hidden-discuss wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I recently started working remotely for an institution in another state.  I know there are MA state tax implications, but unsure of what they are and the stuff I read online is unclear. I plan on talking to a tax accountant/lawyer, but also figured I'd ask this list since it's likely that some of you are in the same boat.
> If you have experience with this and have some advice, can you please email me, off list?   I've read a few contradictory things online, so I'm mostly interested in personal experiences rather then web pages.
> Thanks,
> Bethany
> bethany at seeger.ws
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