I don't know any details about the employee situation myself (as I'm a consultant/contractor), but one of the companies I work for ended up not being able to hire someone who lived in Missouri because they didn't have an office in that state and so "the tax implications were too complex". So my advice, if you are an employee, would be to contact the company who hired you with this question, as they will probably know the answer (unless they too have never done this before :) On Wed, 25 Mar 2020 12:15:21 -0400, Aaron E-J via Hidden-discuss <hidden-discuss at lists.hidden-tech.net> wrote: > You probably need to do tax forms for the state your employer resides > in, as well as MA. There should be a place in the MA taxes that says > that your employer is in another state (or it will recognize that it is > automatically). When I worked out of state a few yeas ago, I think I > only got taxed in the state I was working. I could be wrong about that > but I think that is how it worked. Unless it is a contract, then you > just pay in MA because you own your business and it is based in MA > (unless it is not, but probably if you have a corporation based in > another state like Delaware, you would already know these things or > would have an accountant that does). > > Aaron E-J > The Other Realm LLC > http://otherrealm.org > http://theotherrealm.org (Blog) > > On 2020-03-25 8:35 AM, Bethany Seeger via Hidden-discuss wrote: > > Hi everyone, > > > > I recently started working remotely for an institution in another state. I know there are MA state tax implications, but unsure of what they are and the stuff I read online is unclear. I plan on talking to a tax accountant/lawyer, but also figured I'd ask this list since it's likely that some of you are in the same boat. > > > > If you have experience with this and have some advice, can you please email me, off list? I've read a few contradictory things online, so I'm mostly interested in personal experiences rather then web pages. > > > > Thanks, > > Bethany > > bethany at seeger.ws