[Hidden-tech] Microsoft Office headache in Windows 10

James Triplett jm-hiddentech at vj8.net
Mon Jan 20 13:32:05 UTC 2020

On (19/01/20 05:48), Marcia Yudkin via Hidden-discuss wrote:
> Date: Sun, 19 Jan 2020 05:48:25 +0000 (UTC)
> From: Marcia Yudkin via Hidden-discuss
>  <hidden-discuss at lists.hidden-tech.net>
> To: Hidden-discuss at lists.hidden-tech.net
> Subject: [Hidden-tech] Microsoft Office headache in Windows 10
> Reply-To: Marcia Yudkin <yudkinyudkin at yahoo.com>
> Hi techies!
> I bought a new Panasonic Windows 10 computer and Microsoft Word on it is giving me no end of headaches.

Is this really a computer that comes with a free copy of Microsoft Word?  That's pretty unusual,
so it may well be just a demo copy that you are supposed to then pay for- which Micro$oft demands
all the manufacturers install.  These demo copies tend to be annoying and spend a lot of time hitting you up 
to setup and subscribe.

I usually delete the whole thing immediately, then decide if I want to use a "real" copy of 
Word- which is relatively cheap if you don't buy the whole Office package- or go with
Libreoffice as others have suggested.

My experience with newer versions of Libreoffice is that it's reputation for incompatibility
is overblown.  If your documents don't use complicated tables or macros, it will likely be
just fine.

There is a free Word "viewer" program you can download from Microsoft to check 
what you're documents look like (Google 'doc viewer'), or
I'd be happy to print out a copy from an official Word install, just so you can check it.



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