[Hidden-tech] deleting Mac OS Photos librarydeleting Mac OS Photos library

Rich@OTN rich at on-the-net.com
Sun Feb 23 23:04:00 UTC 2020

1) Make sure auto-backups is off, it creates backup images every hr/day/week
And then remove the snapshots.

2) If you are not using photo or iPhoto - and have backed up all your 
images, delete that directory or at least the older ones.
They are often in directories in some way -- a Mac of ours has had 
similar issues - there are directories within the Pictures directory
you can delete - be sure to delete without using trash

plenty online about how to do both of these.

There are other here who I'm sure will chime in also


On 2/23/2020 2:23 PM, Stacy Kontrabecki via Hidden-discuss wrote:
> I download all of my photos to the Pictures directory on my Mac with 
> OS Sierra installed. I do not manage my photos using the Photos app 
> but opened it once to see if I might like to. I'm thinking it may have 
> duplicated/imported several years of files when I did this? Today's 
> notification that my hard drive is full prompted me to open Photos 
> again to see what I can see. The Importing preference to copy items to 
> the Photos library is off, but maybe I did that when I got my first 
> notification that the hard drive is filling up. Photos Library in the 
> Pictures directory is 118 GB. How do I get rid of this without 
> screwing things up? (Yes I have external drive backup.)
> I can't even send a message from my local email client, write a Word 
> document, do anything!
> Stacy
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