[Hidden-tech] * * * HELP! Need to deal with "akamaihd" malware issue * * *

Deborah Chandler debchandler411 at gmail.com
Tue Feb 11 19:21:46 UTC 2020

Hi folks,

When on my MacBook Pro yesterday afternoon (running OS Mojave,
10.14.6) and using Google Chrome, my previous Setting loading
DuckDuckGo when I open a new tab was over-ridden without my doing; it
went to a blank page, and when I entered search text, the search
result showed as using the Yahoo search engine. This caught my
attention, so I went to my settings, and it would not let me choose
DuckDuckGo again, and it would not let me delete
"http://default01088758-a.akamaihd.net" (I can send you the screen
capture of this, but I won't attach it here, per HT rules on sending
large files).

I am still researching this, but does anyone know the best way to get
rid of this akamaihd malware?

I found this, which is a start:
https://discussions.apple.com/thread/250978876 I already "Reset
Settings" as Chrome's Tech Support suggested, but it didn't fix the
problem. According to that Apple discussion, Chrome seems resistant to
a fix. (And am I right that just simply switching browsers is not a
sufficient fix?)

A friend suggested using this process, but darn it, I don't know this
site, so am hesitant to trust it:

Not knowing what caused this problem, and what to do to prevent it
again, I am feeling like I need someone more knowledgable to guide a
solution here.

I had a recent issue with a "Preference Helper" showing up, and I can
share more on that, and I have a screen capture of that issue, too.
Now, it seems possibly related.

If someone can help with this, I would appreciate it. This is the
first time I have dealt with malware since owning this laptop; I think
my luck has run out.



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