[Hidden-tech] The Simple Logic of the Pandemic

Michael Muller tech at montaguewebworks.com
Fri Apr 24 22:06:09 UTC 2020

Check this out, if you haven't already....

  * https://coronavirus.jhu.edu/us-map

I used to live in Queens. My parents still live there, and they're 
currently stuck in Florida trying to get back there. I'm trying to 
convince them to stay put.


Mik Muller, president
Montague WebWorks
239-R Main Street, Greenfield, MA

On 4/24/2020 4:41 PM, Rob Laporte via Hidden-discuss wrote:
> That WP article's simulation is well done, except for one crucial 
> thing--it does not show the time scale. The last motion graphic 
> showing the spread when only 1 in 8 people move at all, ever, well it 
> just ends when it's starting to really spread.
> Easy-ish for a mathematician but not for me would be showing when if 
> ever would extreme social distancing and near-perfect mask use by 
> almost everyone result in enough recovered people blocking the spread 
> to as yet uninfected people such that, in the end, much less than 80% 
> of the population ultimately gets covid-19?
> Meanwhile, the US is at about 50,000 deaths, and at the highest 
> estimate maybe 10% of the population has been infected. That math is 
> easier to do; hard to accept.
> Take Care,
> Rob Laporte
> Chief Business Development Officer | Founder | Chairman
> DISC, Inc. - Making Websites Make Money
> 413-584-6500
> rob at 2disc.com <mailto:rob at 2disc.com> | LinkedIn 
> <https://www.linkedin.com/in/2disc/> | 2DISC.com <https://www.2disc.com>
> *NOTE:* Emails can be blocked by spam filters throughout the web. If 
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> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> *From:* James Triplett <jm-hiddentech at vj8.net>
> *Sent:* Tuesday, April 21, 2020 1:19 PM
> *To:* Rob Laporte <rob at 2disc.com>
> *Cc:* hidden-discuss at lists.hidden-tech.net 
> <hidden-discuss at lists.hidden-tech.net>
> *Subject:* Re: [Hidden-tech] The Simple Logic of the Pandemic
> Rob is making good sense here:
>          "The math on what's needed for herd immunity is quite simple as
> math goes, depending on transmissibility, and standing now at about
> 80%. Whatever this percentage is does not change the logic here."
> For those for whom "math" is scary territory, I saw a great 
> visualization in the Washington Post that allows you to see the curve 
> as it develops:
> https://www.washingtonpost.com/graphics/2020/world/corona-simulator/
> cheers,
> James
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