[Hidden-tech] Computer for kids - how to convert

Sam McClellan sam at itabix.com
Wed Apr 15 18:06:15 UTC 2020

> I am processing a dozen computers for a homeless kids project in 
> Holyoke - so have to check as to what license applies,
> will use the home version to get this moving
So cool you're doing that. Thank you.

Sam McClellan
*Itabix, Inc*
/One place for all things Web/
sam at itabix.com
Main - 413.587.4600
Toll-free - 877-7ITABIX (877.748.2249)

On 4/15/2020 2:03 PM, Rich at OTN wrote:
> I am processing a dozen computers for a homeless kids project in 
> Holyoke - so have to check as to what license applies,
> will use the home version to get this moving -- so far the 2015 
> releases do not boot.
> Trying neverware now
> as for Newer -- the Newerware blogs clearly say that is still be 
> worked on based on Chromium updates
> and the open source releases I've found so far do date from 2015
> From Google and neverware
> https://chromereleases.googleblog.com/2020/03/chrome-and-chrome-os-release-updates.html
> https://www.neverware.com/blogcontent/2020/4/10/cloudready-release-adjustments-for-covid-19-epidemic
> On 4/15/2020 12:51 PM, Sam McClellan via Hidden-discuss wrote:
>>> The neverware is not free (since they maintain it) - more on that as 
>>> I contact them.
>> Actually Neverware Cloudready for personal use is free, email and 
>> phone support version is $20/year which is pretty great.
>> https://www.neverware.com/freedownload 
>> <https://www.neverware.com/freedownload#intro-text>
>> I'm not sure what you meant by "newer", did you mean more up to date 
>> or more recently created? It has been around since 2015.I can 
>> understand your wanting to go with a more full functioning Linux OS 
>> like Cr OS, it just depends on your users' ability to manage the OS 
>> or how much you'll end up doing it :)
>> Best,
>> Sam
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Sam McClellan
>> *Itabix, Inc*
>> /One place for all things Web/
>> sam at itabix.com
>> https://itabix.com
>> Main - 413.587.4600
>> Toll-free - 877-7ITABIX (877.748.2249)
>> On 4/15/2020 11:19 AM, Rich at OTN via Hidden-discuss wrote:
>>> Interesting comparison.
>>> Major notes about ChromeOS
>>>          1) The publizied download ChromeOS is nothing specific to 
>>> Google (regardless of URL) and is heavy ad-infested.
>>>          2) The Neverware version is far newer.
>>> SO the place to get ChromeOS is https://archiveos.org/croslinux/
>>> While actually comes from an archive on sourceforge:
>>> https://sourceforge.net/projects/archiveos/files/c/cros/
>>> The neverware is not free (since they maintain it) - more on that as 
>>> I contact them.
>>> On 4/15/2020 10:27 AM, Sam McClellan via Hidden-discuss wrote:
>>>> Hey Rich,
>>>> You probably know a fair amount about Chromium vs Chrome OS by now, 
>>>> but I've included all the info here for general consumption.
>>>> Chrome OS is Chromium OS redesigned for Google's Chromebooks but is 
>>>> also available for PCs. Chrome OS is designed for end users, 
>>>> whereas Chromium OS is designed for developers/geeks and requires 
>>>> more knowledge and maintenance and has less functionality targeted 
>>>> to kids and regular users.
>>>> https://www.chromium.org/chromium-os/chromium-os-faq
>>>> Chrome OS is a good choice for kids for five reasons -
>>>> 1. designed to be simple to set up and maintain
>>>> 2. has very good parental controls, whereas a standard Linux 
>>>> installation like Ubuntu can always be subverted
>>>> 3. doesn't allow them free access to programs and the Internet.
>>>> 4. set up to be used by schools and kids
>>>> 5. can now also run many Android apps
>>>> The downsides:
>>>> 1. It's very reliant on an Internet connection and can't run Linux 
>>>> or Windows apps (although the alternatives can run Linux apps)
>>>> 2. If you don't have an actual Chromebook, there are some 
>>>> limitations although the alternatives can make up for these.
>>>> 3. you have to be part of The Google to use it.
>>>> You can download ChromeOS for regular PC's here:
>>>> https://sites.google.com/site/chromeoslinux/download which just 
>>>> links to
>>>> http://getchrome.eu/download.php
>>>> but the first link at least shows you it's actually a Google download.
>>>> However, most reviews say that Neverware's version of Chrome OS is 
>>>> the best:
>>>> https://www.neverware.com/freedownload#intro-text
>>>> Here's a good recent review:
>>>> https://www.electromaker.io/blog/article/flint-os-vs-chromium-os-vs-cloudready-which-chrome-os-is-best
>>>> Other options for kids:
>>>> https://www.pcworld.com/article/2030685/make-your-pc-kid-friendly-with-four-custom-operating-systems.html
>>>> Best,
>>>> Sam
>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> Sam McClellan
>>>> *Itabix, Inc*
>>>> /One place for all things Web/
>>>> sam at itabix.com
>>>> https://itabix.com
>>>> Main - 413.587.4600
>>>> Toll-free - 877-7ITABIX (877.748.2249)
>>>> On 4/14/2020 8:27 AM, Rich at tnr via Hidden-discuss wrote:
>>>>> All,
>>>>> I need some suggestions, I'm being asked to process a batch of 
>>>>> Dell laptops for the local school kids.
>>>>> SO I need to
>>>>>     (1) Wipe the hard drives
>>>>>     (2) install a chromebook (like) environment so they can use 
>>>>> typical virtual school sw.
>>>>> I'd prefer something free or close.
>>>>> I found 'Chromium OS'
>>>>> Any specific suggestions as to which of each you've had experience 
>>>>> with.
>>>>> I will collect the suggestions as well as the results and post on 
>>>>> HT web site
>>>>> This is for the Greenfield school kids, if anyone is handling 
>>>>> other areas, please let me know and I'll make a list.
>>>>> (BTW, which has a set of covid-19 health and business (CARES act) 
>>>>> details.
>>>>> Thanks - Happy Tails and Stay healthy.
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