[Hidden-tech] Computer for kids - how to convert

Rich@OTN rich at on-the-net.com
Wed Apr 15 18:03:14 UTC 2020

I am processing a dozen computers for a homeless kids project in Holyoke 
- so have to check as to what license applies,
will use the home version to get this moving -- so far the 2015 releases 
do not boot.
Trying neverware now

as for Newer -- the Newerware blogs clearly say that is still be worked 
on based on Chromium updates
and the open source releases I've found so far do date from 2015

 From Google and neverware

On 4/15/2020 12:51 PM, Sam McClellan via Hidden-discuss wrote:

>> The neverware is not free (since they maintain it) - more on that as 
>> I contact them.
> Actually Neverware Cloudready for personal use is free, email and 
> phone support version is $20/year which is pretty great.
> https://www.neverware.com/freedownload 
> <https://www.neverware.com/freedownload#intro-text>
> I'm not sure what you meant by "newer", did you mean more up to date 
> or more recently created? It has been around since 2015.I can 
> understand your wanting to go with a more full functioning Linux OS 
> like Cr OS, it just depends on your users' ability to manage the OS or 
> how much you'll end up doing it :)
> Best,
> Sam
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Sam McClellan
> *Itabix, Inc*
> /One place for all things Web/
> sam at itabix.com
> https://itabix.com
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> Toll-free - 877-7ITABIX (877.748.2249)
> On 4/15/2020 11:19 AM, Rich at OTN via Hidden-discuss wrote:
>> Interesting comparison.
>> Major notes about ChromeOS
>>          1) The publizied download ChromeOS is nothing specific to 
>> Google (regardless of URL) and is heavy ad-infested.
>>          2) The Neverware version is far newer.
>> SO the place to get ChromeOS is https://archiveos.org/croslinux/
>> While actually comes from an archive on sourceforge:
>> https://sourceforge.net/projects/archiveos/files/c/cros/
>> The neverware is not free (since they maintain it) - more on that as 
>> I contact them.
>> On 4/15/2020 10:27 AM, Sam McClellan via Hidden-discuss wrote:
>>> Hey Rich,
>>> You probably know a fair amount about Chromium vs Chrome OS by now, 
>>> but I've included all the info here for general consumption.
>>> Chrome OS is Chromium OS redesigned for Google's Chromebooks but is 
>>> also available for PCs. Chrome OS is designed for end users, whereas 
>>> Chromium OS is designed for developers/geeks and requires more 
>>> knowledge and maintenance and has less functionality targeted to 
>>> kids and regular users.
>>> https://www.chromium.org/chromium-os/chromium-os-faq
>>> Chrome OS is a good choice for kids for five reasons -
>>> 1. designed to be simple to set up and maintain
>>> 2. has very good parental controls, whereas a standard Linux 
>>> installation like Ubuntu can always be subverted
>>> 3. doesn't allow them free access to programs and the Internet.
>>> 4. set up to be used by schools and kids
>>> 5. can now also run many Android apps
>>> The downsides:
>>> 1. It's very reliant on an Internet connection and can't run Linux 
>>> or Windows apps (although the alternatives can run Linux apps)
>>> 2. If you don't have an actual Chromebook, there are some 
>>> limitations although the alternatives can make up for these.
>>> 3. you have to be part of The Google to use it.
>>> You can download ChromeOS for regular PC's here:
>>> https://sites.google.com/site/chromeoslinux/download which just links to
>>> http://getchrome.eu/download.php
>>> but the first link at least shows you it's actually a Google download.
>>> However, most reviews say that Neverware's version of Chrome OS is 
>>> the best:
>>> https://www.neverware.com/freedownload#intro-text
>>> Here's a good recent review:
>>> https://www.electromaker.io/blog/article/flint-os-vs-chromium-os-vs-cloudready-which-chrome-os-is-best
>>> Other options for kids:
>>> https://www.pcworld.com/article/2030685/make-your-pc-kid-friendly-with-four-custom-operating-systems.html
>>> Best,
>>> Sam
>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> Sam McClellan
>>> *Itabix, Inc*
>>> /One place for all things Web/
>>> sam at itabix.com
>>> https://itabix.com
>>> Main - 413.587.4600
>>> Toll-free - 877-7ITABIX (877.748.2249)
>>> On 4/14/2020 8:27 AM, Rich at tnr via Hidden-discuss wrote:
>>>> All,
>>>> I need some suggestions, I'm being asked to process a batch of Dell 
>>>> laptops for the local school kids.
>>>> SO I need to
>>>>     (1) Wipe the hard drives
>>>>     (2) install a chromebook (like) environment so they can use 
>>>> typical virtual school sw.
>>>> I'd prefer something free or close.
>>>> I found 'Chromium OS'
>>>> Any specific suggestions as to which of each you've had experience 
>>>> with.
>>>> I will collect the suggestions as well as the results and post on 
>>>> HT web site
>>>> This is for the Greenfield school kids, if anyone is handling other 
>>>> areas, please let me know and I'll make a list.
>>>> (BTW, which has a set of covid-19 health and business (CARES act) 
>>>> details.
>>>> Thanks - Happy Tails and Stay healthy.
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