[Hidden-tech] Anyone know how to reset a Dell 3335 laser printer that...

Shel Horowitz shel at principledprofit.com
Mon May 27 00:38:55 UTC 2019

...Finishes the startup cycle and goes immediately to the Blue Screen of
Death? All of the instructions I find online assume you have access to the
control panel, either on the machine or on a connected computer. today I
actually got the menu for about a minute, but that was only enough time to
make sure it wasn't a supplies issues.

Shel Horowitz - "The Transformpreneur"(sm)
Watch (and please share) my TEDx Talk,
"Impossible is a Dare: Business for a Better World"
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Contact me to bake in profitability while addressing hunger,
poverty, war, and catastrophic climate change

Twitter: @shelhorowitz

* First business ever to be Green America Gold Certified
* Inducted into the National Environmental Hall of Fame

mailto:shel at greenandprofitable.com * 413-586-2388
Award-winning, best-selling author of 10 books. Latest:
Guerrilla Marketing to Heal the World (co-authored with Jay Conrad Levinson)

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