[Hidden-tech] how to replace domain owner / contact when original owner / contact is no longer with us......

Rich Roth rich at on-the-net.com
Thu Jun 6 15:00:08 UTC 2019

You might want to study this:

ICANN is the official (and final) word on any of this.

On 6/6/2019 9:40 AM, Donald M Stevens via Hidden-discuss wrote:
> Good morning all,
> I have a client who needs to change the contact person / owner 
> information for their domain.
> They use “namecheap.com” (guess the name tells you what you get)
> Anyway,
> The person who setup the domain years ago, is no longer with us and 
> there is no way to contact this person.
> The client’s domain registration ran out, they had no email and no 
> domain access.
> I was able to open an account in my name with “namecheap”, pay the 
> domain fee for this domain, now they get emails and access to their 
> website.
> So, they let me pay for the domain registration, but won’t let me or 
> my client change the contact information without talking to the 
> original owner.
> “namecheap” did say we could take legal action. (What?, do we take 
> “namecheap” to court?, do we take the original owner, that we can’t 
> reach, to court? “namecheap” doesn’t have any answers)
> Does anyone know a way around this?
> My client would like to change the contact information on their 
> domain. (but they currently do not have authorization)
> Thanks!
> Don
> **
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