[Hidden-tech] Gaia Host has gone AWOL

Anne Campbell info at annecampbelldesign.com
Fri Feb 22 16:39:51 UTC 2019

Hi all,

I remember seeing a post on this list a few weeks ago from someone who was
asking if Gaia Host had gone out of business. At least two of my clients
have been having a very hard time getting in touch with them in recent

Today, a different client wrote to me to say that she paid Gaia Host to
renew her domain names in December. They apparently renewed the domains,
but they're still sending her threatening emails saying that she hasn't
paid and they're going to shut down her website. She has left many phone
messages and emails in the last two months and has not heard back.

It's clear that my client needs to move her domain names to a new
registrar. But what happens if Gaia Host continues to not respond? The
domain registrations have her name on them, but they're in Gaia Host's
GoDaddy account, not my client's.

I do host the client's website, so that's not the issue - it's the domain
registrations that Gaia Host has control of. Will she have any recourse if
she can't get Gaia Host to communicate?

Thanks -
Anne Campbell

Anne Campbell, info at annecampbelldesign.com
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