[Hidden-tech] cat and mouse

Annamarie Pluhar annamarie at PatientSympatheticCoaching.com
Sat Feb 16 19:24:01 UTC 2019

No rolling of eyes here.  How about a trackpad? Nothing to get caught.  
I use a bluetooth one and am very happy with it.

On 16 Feb 2019, at 12:25, Lynne Rudie via Hidden-discuss wrote:

> Hello Hidden Techies
> 	Feel free to roll your eyes but I need some advice about how to keep 
> my (computer) mice from being clogged with cat hair.
> 	I love the blue tooth mouse that came with my imac but after a while 
> I found I had to clean out the sensor (with a q-tip or the end of a 
> bent paperclip or both) with increasing frequency to keep it 
> functional.
> 	I went to my back-up wired mouse and for a while I could just blow on 
> the sensor to keep it clean enough to work consistently, but now it is 
> not working well either.
> 	I have an old-style “magic mouse” that is currently paired to my 
> laptop that also gets clogged when I use it consistently but it’s 
> the only one I can take apart to get all the hair out of it. I don’t 
> like to use it for everyday work because it eats batteries but I’m 
> wondering if that is actually my best option.
> 	For the record, I have “just” one elderly cat who very rarely 
> gets on my desk and I keep my studio pretty clean — it seems as 
> though this shouldn’t be a serious problem but it has become very 
> annoying. I can’t possibly be the only cat-person on this list, 
> right? I will be SO grateful for any suggestions or solutions.
> 	Thank you
> 	Lynne
> Lynne Rudie Graphic Design
> See my contact info at: LynneRudie.com

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