[Hidden-tech] cat and mouse

James Triplett jm-hiddentech at vj8.net
Sat Feb 16 22:37:03 UTC 2019

On (16/02/19 12:25), Lynne Rudie via Hidden-discuss wrote:
> Date: Sat, 16 Feb 2019 12:25:31 -0500
> From: Lynne Rudie via Hidden-discuss <hidden-discuss at lists.hidden-tech.net>
> To: hidden-discuss at lists.hidden-tech.net
> Subject: [Hidden-tech] cat and mouse
> Reply-To: Lynne Rudie <lynnerudiedesign at gmail.com>
> Hello Hidden Techies
> 	Feel free to roll your eyes but I need some advice about how to keep my (computer) mice from being clogged with cat hair. 
> 	I love the blue tooth mouse that came with my imac but after a while I found I had to clean out the sensor (with a q-tip or the end of a bent paperclip or both) with increasing frequency to keep it functional. 
> 	I went to my back-up wired mouse and for a while I could just blow on the sensor to keep it clean enough to work consistently, but now it is not working well either. 
> 	I have an old-style “magic mouse” that is currently paired to my laptop that also gets clogged when I use it consistently but it’s the only one I can take apart to get all the hair out of it. I don’t like to use it for everyday work because it eats batteries but I’m wondering if that is actually my best option.

One of the little pleasures you can award yourself on occasion is to get a brand new mouse... they feel so good in the hand,
don't cost much, and they start out nice and sharp!

just a thought...


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