[Hidden-tech] News From Tunnel 7

Max Hartshorne editorial at gonomad.com
Tue Feb 12 17:05:24 UTC 2019

this really feels like you're taking the HT list and using it to promote your business. That's not really why we signed up for HT. 
Max Hartshorne
GoNOMAD.com Travel
P.O. Box 4
9 Mountain Rd.
South Deerfield, MA 01373
[ www.gonomad.com ]( http://www.gonomad.com )
[ Writer's Guidelines ]( https://www.gonomad.com/3500-writers-guidelines-gonomad-travel )
My One minute. [ video about  ]( http://youtu.be/FlH08PisCkg?a )
[ Content Marketing ]( http://youtu.be/FlH08PisCkg?a ) 

-----Original Message-----
From: "Tunnel 7 via Hidden-discuss" <hidden-discuss at lists.hidden-tech.net>
Sent: Tuesday, February 12, 2019 11:00am
To: "Hidden-Tech List Server" <hidden-discuss at lists.hidden-tech.net>
Subject: [Hidden-tech] News From Tunnel 7

February 2019

No Images? [ Click here ]( https://tunnel7.cmail19.com/t/y-e-kkijyhk-thihldtjdd-d/ )

[  ]( https://tunnel7.cmail19.com/t/y-l-kkijyhk-thihldtjdd-r/ )



The Tunnel 7 team - Tim, derek and Emily. Note: we don't normally work from the woods... this photo is us on an office outing last year.

Hello from Tunnel 7

After a long hiatus, we're excited to be reaching out again via email to our clients, colleagues and friends. We're looking forward to being in touch on a regular (or semi-regular) basis with strategies and tips for getting the most out of your online presence, updating you on Tunnel 7 news and generally staying in touch.  


Recent Work

Because everyone likes to see new designs, we thought we'd share one of our recent client projects with you. 

A regional leader in eye care for small and large animals, Animal Eye Care of New England's (AECONE) new website highlights their beautiful facility and creates a much better experience for their website users.

[ View the AECONE Project ]( https://tunnel7.cmail19.com/t/y-l-kkijyhk-thihldtjdd-y/ )



What we do

Learn more about Tunnel 7's unique web design process [ here ]( https://tunnel7.cmail19.com/t/y-l-kkijyhk-thihldtjdd-j/ ).

Have a project that you want to get off the ground?

We'd love to hear about it! [ Contact us ]( https://tunnel7.cmail19.com/t/y-l-kkijyhk-thihldtjdd-t/ ) to see how we can help.
Know someone who would be a good fit to work with Tunnel 7? Fill out our [ referral form ]( https://tunnel7.cmail19.com/t/y-l-kkijyhk-thihldtjdd-i/ ) and let us know! (There are some perks in it for you too:)





Tunnel 7  |  123 Union St Ste. 202, Easthampton, MA 01027
You're receiving this email because you signed up on the website or we've previously corresponded.

[ Unsubscribe ]( https://tunnel7.cmail19.com/t/y-u-kkijyhk-thihldtjdd-h/ )
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