[Hidden-tech] Query on computer programming skills

Rich Roth rich at on-the-net.com
Wed Dec 15 13:26:03 EST 2004

Wednesday, December 15, 2004, 10:58:23 AM, you wrote:

CE> Oh, jeez, I hope not.  I still do work for The Hartford (those damn 
CE> bills need paying), and I can categorically say that large firms like 
CE> The Hartford have no interest in trolling around a backwater business 
CE> network's skills directory (sorry if it sounds harsh, but that's their 
CE> perspective).  They fill requisitions through professional recruiters 
CE> and internal HR searches.  Hidden-Tech is not on their radar, and I 
CE> hope they are not on ours.

Actually you are quite wrong -- while the Hartford might be so short
sighted, Mass Mutual has members in our db and has contacted HT
members for various projects -- if any have specific reports, please
speak up.

CE> Beyond that, I agree with everything Andy said.  And, I guess I would 
CE> add a question: if the skills directory that is already available is 
CE> going to continue to function as the main data source for recruiting, 
CE> etc. (as was indicated by Amy in an email yesterday), then exactly what 
CE> is this skills survey adding to the process/site/group?  I suppose my 
CE> main point is that a greater degree of visibility into what the 
CE> steering committee is driving towards would greatly help the membership 
CE> to know how to respond to RFI's, etc.

Your point is well taken but somewhat off target, partly due to how
the discussion thread drifted -- the current member directory has a
open text spot to post your skills but no knowledge of skill
categories and only searchable by keyword - consider it a database
(goggle) as opposed to a directory with drill down by category (yahoo).

The survey, the discussion is contributing to, is first and foremost a study
of the skills of the group.  It will be used to convince the various
planning and funding agencies that there is a solid base here that
should be included and supported as part of various economic growth initiatives.
What exactly that means remains to be seen.

We hope it also will lead to making the member directory more useful both for
members in including other members in their projects and possibly for recruiters.

Best regards,
 Rich                            mailto:rich at on-the-net.com


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