[Hidden-tech] Great Use of LLMs for Insurance Policy Scrutiny; Many Hopeful Implications

Rob Laporte rob at 2disc.com
Fri Feb 28 14:31:06 UTC 2025

Hi All,

My nice Amica rep has been proactively apprising me that their underwriting (and probably legal) department is still working on the matter. She re-asked relevant questions regarding my now all remote workers (none in home office) and rare clients here. Those answers are irrelevant to the problematic new generic language of the contract. She said I'll get clarity within a week or so. Fact is, any answer to the legal language problem risks admitting the problem in the first place. We'll see.

Two days ago I discovered in my errant spam folder an email from Fungai Tichawangana of https://ArtistDynamix.com asking about using this case in a post (on his https://Inc413.com?), to which I replied, yes for sure. I suggest others here run their insurance contracts/policies through an LLM, asking for risks. Sharing results here, beyond helping Fungai's prospective article, will show whether other insurance companies are likewise reducing their risks of payouts. 

BTW, this use of LLMs is an example of emergent business opportunities. Any law firms or insurance specialists could add such legal language critiques to their offerings. Domain pros are needed to vet LLM answers (at least for the next 3-5 years until AI/LLM may exceed all pros' value). A local association guiding LLM use per profession and populated by peer firms could offer a badge of this association that assures clients and prospects that the participating firms are using AI/LLMs to deliver more excellence than average in the nation. That's the idea in my rather back-burnered ALI (Agency LLM Innitiative) and https://www.2disc.com/services/sali/ (Simple Accelerated LLM Integrations). It's a model that various business associations could advance to gain membership and pull in national revenue to a local area.

Best Regards,

Rob Laporte

CEO  |  R&D Manager

DISC - Making Websites Make Money
mailto:Rob at 2disc.com, 413-584-6500


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---- On Thu, 06 Feb 2025 12:16:59 -0500 Rich at tnr via Hidden-discuss <hidden-discuss at lists.hidden-tech.net> wrote ---

Rob, thanks for the ongoing saga - gives one ideas of issues to
      review, and some ways of doing it.
 esp with insurance issues related to LA files and who knows what
      Musk is doing in DC except there is LLM in the discussion.
 Keep the explorations up - Cheers - Rich

On 2/6/2025 11:24 AM, Rob Laporte via
      Hidden-discuss wrote:

Hi All,
 Quick update. Nice rep said home is covered despite the home
          office. What she didn't say is what, apparently, the contract
          states: the coverage is reduced in proportion to the percent
          of home used for business. I used an LLM to unpack the
          legalese, which is full of serpentine references to other
          clauses, and uses language likely to decieve one into
          believing that only home day care work impacts coverage. I had
          ChatGPT write a letter asking for written clarification--forget friendly talk. Meanwhile, Amica
          auto-sent texts thanking me for my approvals, and I did not
          approve it yet, which I explained via Amica's communication
          systems, so there's a clear record. They also charged my bank
          despite my turning on auto-pay only for the car insurance, and
          there too I posted a memo indicating I did not intend this
          payment, again to produce a clear paper trail. 

I'll let you know the final outcome of this saga. I imagine
          similar moves are happening at other insurance companies. 

Rich Roth
CEO TnR Global

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