[Hidden-tech] Career Initiative grants to build small companies

AI Zuckerman valleywood2012 at gmail.com
Mon Jul 22 15:00:48 UTC 2024

Hey Hidden Techies!

Thanks to everyone who reached me to help produce my Landlord Tenant Tool

The Wildflower Alliance, based in Springfield, gave me a very small grant
to create a one-of-a-kind survival tool for both parties to a rental. I
point out that the relationships between them range from cordial to violent.

If anyone wants to learn more about the alliance and Consortium, the
organization that supports WA and many non-profits that service people at
poverty level, then reach me through the list. These non-profits often need
help and some of the pay contractors.

Tokyo Baldwin manages WA's Career Initiative division and Earl Miller
manages peer support staff. Both are great. I can connect you to them
directly. I suggested Earl join HT as WA needs technology. It can be used.
And tech support would be helpful.

Here and there I will send information to  you on work opportunities as
they arise.


Amy Zuckerman, HT's Mother
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