[Hidden-tech] * * * Cleaning off a harddrive * * *

GLP glp at gregperham.com
Thu Jan 25 04:44:09 UTC 2024

Hi Deborah,

It depends on your level of privacy concern. Deleted data can be recovered easily in certain circumstances. Do you love and trust the person you are giving these computers to? Have you ever had financial info or other sensitive data on these computers?

Make sure you have backups of both computers before you start.

Level 1:
Follow steps 1–5 at https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT201065#eacs

Then, it may be sufficient to create a new Administrator user; restart and log in using the new user account; delete your existing user account (and any others). This will leave the operating system and applications in place. In this scenario, it is likely the data you delete could be recovered easily by a nefarious person.

Make sure to remove any applications or other software that can't be transferred to the new owner. For example, if you have paid for upgrades of, say, Office on a newer computer, you no longer have a license to run the old version, so that software should be removed before passing the machines on.

Level 2:
Follow all steps in Apple's instructions for erasing and reselling a Mac: https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT201065#eacs
This is sufficient for the average person.

Because this erases the disk, you would provide the installation disks for the software you no longer use. If you have download-only software on the old computers that is transferrable to the new owner, you would want to back that up—ideally by downloading the installer and saving that on a USB drive or something to reinstall later.

In this scenario, some of the data you erase may still be recovered by a determined hacker.

There are numerous variables in the flow chart for the exact sequence of steps that are beyond the scope of an email. If you need help with this, it's best to get someone in-person.

Level 3:
Encrypt the drive, fill it to capacity, erase it with random writes or "zero all data"…… Sounds like this is probably overkill for your scenario?


> On Jan 24, 2024, at 7:37 PM, Deborah Chandler via Hidden-discuss <hidden-discuss at lists.hidden-tech.net> wrote:
> Hi folks, 
> Could someone guide me on the best way to clear personal data off a computer, but leave software on there? I have a MacPro desktop computer and a G4 desktop that I want to give away, and need to clear my files off beforehand, this week ideally. 
> Thanks,
> Deb
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