[Hidden-tech] Cell phone reception issue

Annamarie Pluhar annamarie at PatientSympatheticCoaching.com
Sat Nov 18 11:03:00 UTC 2023


I’m so puzzled about this.. maybe someone has a clue?

Client bought a Samsung Galaxy S-23+ and hired me to set it up. Has a 
Consumer Cellular account. Threw out her old phone because it stopped 
working (Argh!)but it did work in her apartment. She bought a new SIM 
card for me to install.  Phone wouldn’t register on the network. 
That’s an hour on the phone with Consumer Cellular having them try 
things. Finally, I took it with the intent of going to the wallmart in 
Hadley for help. It worked in Hadley. I had it overnight and she got 
several calls on it. Took it back to her and as it happens was seeing 
someone in her building just before. Tested the phone in another part of 
the building 5 minutes before seeing her. It worked. Got to her 
apartment - phone shows the same message about not being registered on 
the network.

I think it’s a cell tower problem. But why did her old phone work in 
her apartment and not the new one?  Anyone know? I’m not well-versed 
in Android world.


Annamarie Pluhar
[Patient, Sympathetic Coaching](http://patientsympatheticcoaching.com)
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