[Hidden-tech] Question about ChatGPT and machine learning

Shel Horowitz shel at principledprofit.com
Fri Mar 10 11:29:39 UTC 2023

Yes. Things can be plausible without being accurate, and that apparently is
a huge problem with the chatbot.

On Thu, Mar 9, 2023, 9:10 PM Alan Frank via Hidden-discuss <
hidden-discuss at lists.hidden-tech.net> wrote:

> ChatGPT is a conversation engine, not a search engine.  It is designed
> to provide plausible responses based on similarity of questions and
> answers to existing material on the internet, without attempting to
> correlate its responses with actual facts.  Pretty much every social
> media space I follow has had multiple posts from people pointing out
> ridiculous factual errors from ChatGPT.
> --Alan
> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject: [Hidden-tech] Question about ChatGPT and machine learning
> Date: 2023-03-09 15:29
>  From: Marcia Yudkin via Hidden-discuss
> <hidden-discuss at lists.hidden-tech.net>
> To: "Hidden-discuss at lists.hidden-tech.net"
> <Hidden-discuss at lists.hidden-tech.net>
> This question is for anyone who understands how the machine learning in
> ChatGPT works.
> I've been finding ChatGPT useful for summarizing information that is
> widely dispersed around the web, such as questions like "what are the
> most popular objections to X?"  However, the other day for a blog post I
> was writing I asked it "What are some sources on the relationship of X
> to Y?"  It gave me four sources of information, including the article
> title, where it was published and who wrote it.
> This looked great, especially since I recognized two of the author names
> as authorities on X.  However, when I then did a Google search, I could
> not track down any of the four articles, either by title, author or
> place of publication.  I tried both in Google and in Bing.  Zilch!
> Could ChatGPT have totally made up these sources?  If so, how does that
> work?
> I am baffled about the explanation of this.  One of the publications
> involved was Psychology Today, so we are not talking about obscure
> corners of the Internet or sites that would have disappeared recently.
> Thanks for any insights.
> Marcia Yudkin
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