[Hidden-tech] audio file to text / doc file?

Andrew Bellak andrew at stakeholderscapital.com
Tue Sep 6 11:36:13 UTC 2022

Thanks Shel.

I guess I'd be able to download a video / movie file, is that right?



On 9/2/2022 2:10 PM, Shel Horowitz wrote:
> Another option, if you have the time to interview her rather than just 
> have her talk, is to set up a series of Zoom calls (assuming you have 
> the paid Zoom) and enable closed captions. The advantage: you'll 
> probably end up with a better product by steering the conversation. 
> You have to make sure to save the transcript before exiting the 
> call--and what you get will be VERY rough and need significant cleanup.
> Shel Horowitz - "The Transformpreneur"
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> _________________________________________________
> On Fri, Sep 2, 2022 at 10:27 AM Andrew Bellak via Hidden-discuss 
> <hidden-discuss at lists.hidden-tech.net> wrote:
>     My mom is elderly and wants to create her biography.
>     Using a computer is a challenge.
>     Using a microphone that converts to a Word doc is a challenge.
>     What's a straight forward way to record the spoken word and then use
>     some speech to text tech like with visual voicemail?
>     Thanks,
>     Andrew
>     -- 
>     Andrew Bellak
>     CEO / Co-Founder
>     Investment Advisor Representative
>     Series 65 Fiduciary
>     Andrew at StakeholdersCapital.com
>     (o) 888-STK-HLDR (785-4537) x.2
>     (f) 888-735-HLDR (4537)
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Andrew Bellak
CEO / Co-Founder
Investment Advisor Representative
Series 65 Fiduciary

Andrew at StakeholdersCapital.com
(o) 888-STK-HLDR (785-4537) x.2
(f) 888-735-HLDR (4537)


skype = andrewbellak
twitter = @andrewbellak, @stakeholderscap

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