[Hidden-tech] looking for a web apps for services business

Rich@tnr rich at tnrglobal.com
Fri Nov 12 16:26:21 UTC 2021

Looking for online services or web apps for a services business
It's a compost pickup locally -- estimate 3500 customers, 1-2 weekly pickup
They are currently using google sheets and considering using google 
bigQuery since it's a related service.
However those are just the data storage, they do have some scripts seems 
a bit weak for a full app.

I'm exploring alternatives - wouldn't require a very complex client 
management/subscription services.
Customer login, with billing plus a few addons, like - pickup issues and 
vacation pauses.

So far I'm surprised not to find any such aps or services. I suspect 
it's a matter of catching the right search phrase.
I have looked for existing application frameworks, and github searches.

Either there are such existing services or might be a business 
opportunity there

Any suggestions welcome.

Rich Roth
CEO TnR Global

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