[Hidden-tech] Crypto Group? Collaborative Project

Rob Laporte rob at 2disc.com
Sat May 8 16:49:18 UTC 2021

Hello again,

Does anyone know of and/or want to form a blockchain/cryptocurrency group in this area?

I'm also floating here an idea. Using skills I've developed over 25 years at my firm, I have made a system for vetting cryptocurrencies to invest in. It makes very efficient the process of scoring several key attributes according to underlying data provided by Messari.io and other resource websites. Even with efficiency, however, it takes time, and I imagine organizing a small group where each person tackles one of ~20 sectors.

This is a personal project, and I’m not selling anything. In fact, I’m gladly giving away the fruits of a lot of labor on this system, in hopes that a group will use it, and no doubt improve it, to create mutual benefit.

Take Care,

Rob Laporte

Chief Business Development Officer | Founder | Chairman

DISC - Making Websites Make Money


rob at 2disc.com<mailto:rob at 2disc.com> | LinkedIn<https://www.linkedin.com/in/2disc/> | 2DISC.com<https://www.2disc.com>

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