[Hidden-tech] Mass Vax website problems

albelkin at aol.com albelkin at aol.com
Thu Mar 4 17:15:50 UTC 2021

Since you're in Goshen, I've heard that you might have better luck through
the Berkshire County website: https://www.getvaccinatedberkshires.org/.
Right now it says they will bill opening appointments March 4 at 6pm and
March 5 at 9am.


Allen Belkin

Florence, MA


On Thu, Mar 4, 2021 at 11:16 AM Marcia Yudkin via Hidden-discuss
<hidden-discuss at lists.hidden-tech.net
<mailto:hidden-discuss at lists.hidden-tech.net> > wrote:

Anyone else trying to get vaccine appointments online?

The first week, the appointment website crashed.

The second week, I applied the very moment they opened up the queue and got
a number of 30,000.  By the time I got to the front of the line, there were
no more appointments.

This week (today) I tried simultaneously with three different computers and
different browsers, and on one, I got to the front of the line but when they
transferred me to another website, I got a red error message.  When the
number on the other computers came up, the very same thing happened.  Am I
doing something wrong, or why is this happening?  I am really frustrated.

Is there anyone who is offering advice and troubleshooting for getting
through on the vaccine site?

Did anyone actually get an appointment?

Marcia Yudkin

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