[Hidden-tech] Seeking hill-town computer consultant

Sheldon Snodgrass sheldon at steadysales.com
Tue Jan 19 18:28:51 UTC 2021

Hi Lynne,

This is right up the ally of a pro that I know, like, trust, and use
frequently.  He handles my in-laws with the same skill and aplomb
that he handles complex network environments.  His name is Lee Feldscher,
he's in cc and his number is: 347-831-3800.  Good luck.


On Tue, Jan 19, 2021 at 1:13 PM Lynne Rudie via Hidden-discuss <
hidden-discuss at lists.hidden-tech.net> wrote:

> Hello Hidden Techies
> I have a friend who lives in Charlemont and is seeking someone (as local
> to her as possible) to help her replace her outdated laptop and
> no-longer-very-smart TV. (She has an iphone but that is her only apple
> product. She is not wanting to make the switch to apple for her computer.)
> For many years she has been splitting her time between New York City and
> Charlemont but since the pandemic she is living full time in Charlemont and
> wants to have some good advice about what to buy and will need some help
> setting it up.
> FWIW, she does expect to (and is able to) pay for good advice and
> assistance.
> I will forward any recommendations to her so that she can respond directly
> to you. Feel free to be in touch with me off-list if you have any questions.
> Thanks, as always, for your help in helping my friend.
> Lynne
> Lynne Rudie Graphic Design
> See my contact info at: LynneRudie.com
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