[Hidden-tech] Looking for advice about carriers — follow up and thanks

Lynne Rudie lynnerudiedesign at gmail.com
Fri Dec 31 18:36:57 UTC 2021

First of all — Wow! 
	I am so happy to have the benefit of all your wisdom and experience. I’m not exactly surprised because Hidden Tech is always amazing, but I am so grateful to everyone who took the time to respond.

I’m going to go through all your responses and make a list (I’m a list-maker) and then make some calls to see what kind of conversations I can have with Customer Service at all the options that were described. I’ll let you know what decision I make, of course.

And, because the timing is interesting, today I got a “final invoice” from “regular” Verizon for $18.04, which includes some language threatening my credit score if I don’t pay up right away. I don’t think I actually owe them anything but I’m going to pay it so they will go away and leave me alone.
	I also got an invoice from Verizon Wireless for $4.61 which is due on 1/20/2022. I could ask why that amount but it’s probably not worth the time I would have to spend on hold to find out.

	Thanks again and Happy New Year!

Lynne Rudié Graphic Design

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