[Hidden-tech] Urgent Help Needed ASAP: iPhone 6s melted down during a failed update to iOS 15.1

J Michaels jaimemichaels at gmail.com
Sun Dec 12 22:07:57 UTC 2021

S.O.S. to all iPhone H-T geeks: I need your help asap. I can't call Apple
Support because my perfectly healthy iPhone is now in a coma. Yikes!!

*In a nutshell*:
I was simply trying to update my iPhone 6s from 12.1 to to 15.1. I did my
homework and backed up my phone in three places and had 24 GB of available

After a few failed attempts to update directly from my phone, I tried
iTunes (most current version). iTunes tried to update and then eventually
the message was that it could not update my phone. After more research, I
shut down and restarted both my MacBook and iPhone (based on the
instructions from Apple Support).

In the next attempt to update, iTunes gave this awful message: "The
iPhone could not be updated. The device cannot be found." What?? My phone
now only shows the Restore Screen: black with only the iTunes icon and a
graphic of a cable and an arrow pointing to the iTunes icon  - i.e. a
message to plug into iTunes - and this url: support.apple.com/phone/restore

Now I'm above my paygrade. If you know what I should do, please email me.

Thank you so much!

Jaime Michaels
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