[Hidden-tech] Amazon help

Sam McClellan sam at itabix.com
Tue Apr 20 20:33:59 UTC 2021

Hi All,

My client has an e-commerce site as well as an Amazon store for their 
products which are customized stamps (address stamps, etc.), which of 
course means that they purchase the stamp mechanism itself and create 
the insert for it. They prefer to advertise the type of stamp they use, 
since it's of very high quality and is a marketing plus, but Amazon's 
system is tagging it as an IP violation (this is not a complaint from 

My client has a document from the manufacturer certifying that they 
approve of their name being used, but Amazon in its vast obliviousness 
just sends back a canned response to anything they send.

Anyone have any advice about this, or ideas about how to get past the 
Amazon roboguards to a real person?




*Sam McClellan*


*Itabix, Inc*


*one place for all things **web***


*sam at itabix.com*




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*Toll-free - 877-7ITABIX (877.748.2249)
Pronouns - he, him, his

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