[Hidden-tech] Word template

Larry Kuttner lkuttner at nesea.org
Thu Apr 1 22:22:25 UTC 2021

When you have that document open in Word, click Save As, and then at the
bottom select Save As Word Template (*.dotx) and navigate to your template
folder and save it.
Typically the folder is at

Once the template file is in that folder, when you click on New in the File
menu, that template will appear in Available Templates > My Templates.
When you click on it, it will create a new document using that template.

As far as I know, there is no way to prevent the changing elements in the
new document, but even if someone does, that won't affect the original
template which would be unchanged..

*Larry Kuttner*
Information Technology Manager
Northeast Sustainable Energy Association (NESEA)
20 Federal Street, Greenfield, MA 01301
413.774.6051 <(413)%20774-6051> ext. 12 *·* lkuttner at nesea.org
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