[Hidden-tech] Looking for zoom/virtual event directors/managers/advisors

Rich@tnr rich at tnrglobal.com
Mon Sep 28 13:09:55 UTC 2020

I've run into a number of requests for help with virtual events.

This goes beyond simple one-time zoom meetings,
Into webinars, museum/art exhibits and others.
It could include ticket/subscription sales and promotion.

Some require all, some only 1-2 aspects.
They are not restricted to using Zoom, in fact that is part of the 
reason for finding experienced people.
Some are for non-profits, but that doesn't mean no payment, more about 
flexibility or, even better finding grants.

This is why I'm calling some needing directors, while some are just 
looking for advice.

Please contract me directly and I'll put you in touch, and create a 
resource for common use.
Any type of resources are well, including businesses, consulting, 
publications et al.

Thanks and be Well

Rich Roth
CEO TnR Global

Bio and personal blog: http://rizbang.com
Building the really big sites:      http://www.tnrglobal.com
Small/Soho business in the PV:        http://www.hidden-tech.net
Places to meet for business:        http://www.meetmewhere.com
And for Arts and relaxation:
http://TarotMuertos.com - Artistic Tarot Deck
Helping move the world:             http://www.earththrives.com


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