[Hidden-tech] Hat tip to Chris Martenson

Bram Moreinis greenfielddigitalmbm at gmail.com
Sun Sep 20 22:45:57 UTC 2020

 I am so sorry to hear you are a long-haul sufferer, Rob.

I lost one of my oldest friends to a QAnon-like COVID19 conspiracy group 
and I am highly suspicious of “alternative theories”.  I don’t think we 
can throw out the scientific community just because of the 
politicization of it.

But this is a survival question for you, so I did not mean to judge you 
and I’m sorry if I came off that way. Sincerely I am sorry.

As I indicated, I came across Chris Martenson along time ago, advocating 
that we should all hoard silver  Because the economy was about to 
collapse. He sounded very convincing. 9/11 truthers sound very convincing.

  I just don’t think that Secret conspiracy theories are where we should 
put our energy right now: there are very obvious open conspiracies 
happening right in front of our noses, And we really just need to pick a 
couple that there’s no shortage of evidence for an organize around those.

But I’d love to have a drink with you, coffee or whatever, and hear how 
are you doing, and listen openly do what you have to say.


Bram Moreinis
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Bram Moreinis
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> On Sep 20, 2020, at 12:41 PM, Bram Moreinis 
> <bram at greenfielddigital.com> wrote:
> His definition of Integrity as "open to any ideas from anywhere" is 
> kinda the opposite of mine, Rob.
> I don't know that Hidden Tech is the place to have this discussion -- 
> kinda surprised it made it through the "moderator" -- but to me, while 
> an "open mind" is the gateway to integrity, the qualifier of integrity 
> is that we check what comes un against what we already know,  and what 
> we already know is an organized system of information we've checked 
> against past experience and trusted epistemologies (ways of knowing 
> what's true).
> Having an open mind without having such an internal, organized, and 
> cross-referenced system of understanding means being susceptible, in 
> my book.
> Regarding Chris Martenson - how much "junk silver" did you stockpile 
> in 2007?
> -Bram
> On 9/20/2020 10:32 AM, Rob Laporte via Hidden-discuss wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> I feel compelled to acknowledge publicly the very valuable service 
>> that local Chris Martenson provided in his ~6 months of unpacking the 
>> science of the pandemic at his YouTube channel 
>> https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCD2-QVBQi48RRQTD4Jhxu8w . He stopped 
>> regular posts recently, but I highly recommend his recent ones about 
>> the science (studies, data) on how important vitamin D is in 
>> preventing Covid and reducing its impact. One of those videos points 
>> to an MD's channel that also has excellent reviews of the science, 
>> still going.
>> I'm a Covid "Long-Hauler" who experienced far worse health effects 
>> than my ~3 week initial infection March-April, and vitamin D seems to 
>> have done wonders. It plays a very specific role in Covid's 
>> biochemical cascade (explained in the above videos). A huge study 
>> (n>50,000) in Spain recently confirmed the benefits of vitamin D in 
>> Covid, with far more impressive and statistically reliable results 
>> than, for example, the ~$3300 per treatment Remdesivir.
>> Note that I would not post anything here or anywhere about Covid that 
>> does not reference solid science entailing peer-reviewed (or in 
>> process of that) studies.
>> Take Care,
>> Rob Laporte
>> Chief Business Development Officer | Founder | Chairman
>> DISC, Inc. - Making Websites Make Money
>> 413-584-6500
>> rob at 2disc.com <mailto:rob at 2disc.com> | LinkedIn 
>> <https://www.linkedin.com/in/2disc/> | 2DISC.com <https://www.2disc.com>
>> *NOTE:* Emails can be blocked by spam filters throughout the web. If 
>> you don’t get a reply within an expected span of time, please call.
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Martin Bram Moreinis, Designer/Developer
(413) 829-0355

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