[Hidden-tech] Hat tip to Chris Martenson

john coster john.medicineb at gmail.com
Sun Sep 20 16:38:48 UTC 2020

Rob, I’m so glad to hear that you have been following Chris’ work and wish
you all the best with your recovery. His coverage of the crisis has put to
shame the terribly flawed journalism that the major media have been
displaying throughout the last eight months. When they get something right,
it’s usually many weeks after Martenson has made the same point. Politics
and financial gain have no place In scientific discussions, but both on the
left and right, these factors have dominated. The corruption of science by
private agendas may be ultimately a bigger threat than Covid itself though
in no way do I mean to diminish the gravity of this disease and it’s
suspicious origins.
Like you, I urge people who want a fuller understanding of this situation
to look at Martenson’s work. Many lives could have been saved had more
people done so.

On Sun, Sep 20, 2020 at 12:23 PM Rob Laporte via Hidden-discuss <
hidden-discuss at lists.hidden-tech.net> wrote:

> Hi All,
> I feel compelled to acknowledge publicly the very valuable service that
> local Chris Martenson provided in his ~6 months of unpacking the science of
> the pandemic at his YouTube channel
> https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCD2-QVBQi48RRQTD4Jhxu8w . He stopped
> regular posts recently, but I highly recommend his recent ones about the
> science (studies, data) on how important vitamin D is in preventing Covid
> and reducing its impact. One of those videos points to an MD's channel that
> also has excellent reviews of the science, still going.
> I'm a Covid "Long-Hauler" who experienced far worse health effects than my
> ~3 week initial infection March-April, and vitamin D seems to have done
> wonders. It plays a very specific role in Covid's biochemical cascade
> (explained in the above videos). A huge study (n>50,000) in Spain recently
> confirmed the benefits of vitamin D in Covid, with far more impressive and
> statistically reliable results than, for example, the ~$3300 per treatment
> Remdesivir.
> Note that I would not post anything here or anywhere about Covid that does
> not reference solid science entailing peer-reviewed (or in process of that)
> studies.
> Take Care,
> Rob Laporte
> Chief Business Development Officer | Founder | Chairman
> DISC, Inc. - Making Websites Make Money
> 413-584-6500
> rob at 2disc.com | LinkedIn <https://www.linkedin.com/in/2disc/> | 2DISC.com
> <https://www.2disc.com>
> *NOTE:* Emails can be blocked by spam filters throughout the web. If you
> don’t get a reply within an expected span of time, please call.
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