[Hidden-tech] Hat tip to Chris Martenson

Rob Laporte rob at 2disc.com
Sun Sep 20 14:32:51 UTC 2020

Hi All,

I feel compelled to acknowledge publicly the very valuable service that local Chris Martenson provided in his ~6 months of unpacking the science of the pandemic at his YouTube channel  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCD2-QVBQi48RRQTD4Jhxu8w . He stopped regular posts recently, but I highly recommend his recent ones about the science (studies, data) on how important vitamin D is in preventing Covid and reducing its impact. One of those videos points to an MD's channel that also has excellent reviews of the science, still going.

I'm a Covid "Long-Hauler" who experienced far worse health effects than my ~3 week initial infection March-April, and vitamin D seems to have done wonders. It plays a very specific role in Covid's biochemical cascade (explained in the above videos). A huge study (n>50,000) in Spain recently confirmed the benefits of vitamin D in Covid, with far more impressive and statistically reliable results than, for example, the ~$3300 per treatment Remdesivir.

Note that I would not post anything here or anywhere about Covid that does not reference solid science entailing peer-reviewed (or in process of that) studies.

Take Care,

Rob Laporte

Chief Business Development Officer | Founder | Chairman

DISC, Inc. - Making Websites Make Money


rob at 2disc.com<mailto:rob at 2disc.com> | LinkedIn<https://www.linkedin.com/in/2disc/> | 2DISC.com<https://www.2disc.com>

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