[Hidden-tech] * * * Cleaning screen on MacBook Pro * * *

Robert Heller heller at deepsoft.com
Thu Oct 22 19:47:50 UTC 2020

At Thu, 22 Oct 2020 12:51:32 -0400 Deborah Chandler <debchandler411 at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi folks,
> What do folks use to clean the screen of a MacBook Pro? I don't need a
> fancy overpriced brand name product, just something that works and doesn't
> do any damage. I have been using the microfiber cloth that came with the
> laptop, but now I have some adhesive gunk from the piece of electrical tape
> I put over the camera, so I will probably need some kind of mild solvent.
> (for a lot of other projects, I use GooGone, but am not sure if that will
> damage the screen's surface)

50/50 Acetic Acid and Distalled Water.  Both are available cheaply at your 
local supermarket. (Acetic Acid == distalled white vinagar.)

> Same question for the keyboard and the surrounding metal areas. Not too
> much dirt there, but a mild cleaning would do it some good.

Same as above.

> Thanks in advance,
> Deb
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Robert Heller             -- Cell: 413-658-7953 GV: 978-633-5364
Deepwoods Software        -- Custom Software Services
http://www.deepsoft.com/  -- Linux Administration Services
heller at deepsoft.com       -- Webhosting Services


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