[Hidden-tech] Modem alternatives to Comcast/Xfinity

Kiernan Gulick-Sherrill kiernan at greenearthpc.us
Mon May 25 20:48:05 UTC 2020


We usually recommend and setup our customers with Modem and Wireless Router
as 2 separate units. especially with the release of good mesh wireless
systems this has just been way better for folks.

We typically setup customers with the Motorola Docsis 3.0 or 3.1 modems
(depending on internet speed)  and then a basic Wireless N Router or a 2-3
cube mesh system depending on their house size and needs.

The xFi pods are basically a limited mesh router that Require using a
comcast modem/router combo as well. The downside being that they dont
replace the cable modem you are renting, they are in addition.
Usually a non wireless cable modem is much cheaper, and a good Mesh Router
system (like the xFi "extender" packs) are a little more than the xFi pods,
but generally better and more feature rich.

There are lots of great review comparison sites online, or you are welcome
to get in touch with us or other local computer repair companies who keep
routers/modems in stock and might be able to set you up.
Happy to answer questions if you want.

Good luck,

Kiernan Gulick-Sherrill

Pronouns: He/Him
Green Earth Computers - Computer & Smartphone Repair

20A Crafts Ave

Northampton, MA 01060


On Mon, May 25, 2020 at 3:36 PM Arthur Evans via Hidden-discuss <
hidden-discuss at lists.hidden-tech.net> wrote:

> We've been renting Comcast modems for years, now at $14.00/month and we
> have connectivity issues with wi-fi which we have only had moderate success
> fixing with an extender.
> We are looking for recommendations for the advisability of buying a modem
> with extenders for a larger home to replace Xfinity's which will last well
> - or is it best to stick with what Xfinity provides? Any good modem and
> extender packages recommended?  Xfinity suggested we purchase xFi Pods
> ($119 + tax + delivery for three pods) to fix the problem.  Thanks in
> advance.
> - Arthur
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