[Hidden-tech] Zoom vs. Hangouts ?

ed at edbride-pr.com ed at edbride-pr.com
Fri Mar 27 17:38:50 UTC 2020

HT hive,


In the current climate, organizations are doing more virtual meetings.
Because the length of our meetings tends to be more than 40 minutes, using
Zoom for me would require a paid subscription; the next level above "Free"
is $15/month. Someone suggested Google Hangouts. Is there also a threshold
between free and paid? If there is, what is the basis? Number of
participants, duration of conference, etc.? What's your experience? 


Thanks for any info. Private response is OK, although perhaps other
Hidden-Techies are facing the same type of choice.


Ed Bride



= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = 

Edward J. Bride, editorial consultant

"emphasizing enterprise computing"


LinkedIn: Ed Bride



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