[Hidden-tech] Archiving Emails in Outlook for Mac

Fred Levine fred at smallbatchbooks.com
Fri Mar 6 17:29:34 UTC 2020

I’m running Outlook for Mac 16.3 on Mojave.


I’m trying to transfer several thousand emails off our IMAP server onto my computer for safe keeping and reference. I tried transferring some to the Archive folder, then realized, they’re still stored on the server, which kind of misses the point 


IN the past, I had to copy a bunch onto my computer (to the “On My Computer” Inbox in Outlook) in order to change to a new host. The huge amount of emails practically blew up Outlook, which clearly can’t handle any significant storage. 


Any suggestions for how to accomplish this one-would-think simply task would be greatly appreciated. 


Fred Levine

Small Batch Books

493 S. Pleasant St.

Amherst, MA 01002




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