[Hidden-tech] Social Media for HT

Sam McClellan sam at itabix.com
Wed Jun 10 13:39:28 UTC 2020

Yes, thank you Rich. I'm personally fine with the current system, but 
wouldn't be opposed to something that works similarly.

I personally feel that Facebook is the devil's spawn. People love it 
only because there's no good alternatives so far (if you're in the 
desert with no water, you'll drink the sand). Yes, there are plenty of 
alternatives but just about everyone is on Facebook and many won't go 
anywhere else until just about everyone is there.

The alternative would be social media that could also act pretty much 
the same as the list for those who want to interact over email. I know 
there are a lot of people who like the list as it is.

Rich knows that my company and I have been working on a social media 
platform for local communities for five years (Itabix was actually 
founded to create a local community website 20 years ago but...well, 
long story). We're just about ready to start letting people in to kick 
the tires, and I'm actually planning to ask for help with this from 
HT'ers soon, I really need feedback on what we've done, what needs 
improving, ideas for how it could be better, and to have people using it 
for load testing who aren't going to get upset with the rough edges of a 
beta, so if anyone is interested please email me.

We could most probably customize the platform to behave like the list 
for people who want the list-like behavior (send email with every post, 
or send a digest every x hours/days, and ability to reply by email, and 
whatever Rich or whomever wants for managing it, etc.), and people would 
also be able to interact with it on the website or via mobile app. It 
could be available just to the three counties of the valley or wherever, 
could be private (invisible to other members), by approval, or public. 
It's possible to have threaded conversations, so maybe we could have it 
automate that the subject line becomes a thread, and allow people to 
unsubscribe from threads (if you decide you aren't interested, email 
back with "stop" or something).

I'm happy to work with Rich and the group to see if we can create 
something that works well for people.

Groups and individuals will also be able to video chat, and there's a 
whole lot more to it. The idea is to support and enhance local 
community, especially the arts and creatives. I'll be posting about it 
hopefully within a week or two, if the gods of technology play nice.


Sam McClellan
*Itabix, Inc*
/One place for all things Web/
sam at itabix.com
Main - 413.587.4600
Toll-free - 877-7ITABIX (877.748.2249)

On 6/10/2020 8:35 AM, Silvana Gravini via Hidden-discuss wrote:
> Hi Rich and List-mates:
> I support both Marcia and Jeremy’s points…
> Email works great.
> Grateful to Rich for keeping HT alive all this time too!
> Silvana
>> On Jun 9, 2020, at 7:05 PM, Jeremy Dunn via Hidden-discuss <hidden-discuss at lists.hidden-tech.net> wrote:
>> 2nd Marcia's points:
>> * email works great for me
>> * I no longer use FB and have no desire to start again.  If HT moves to FB,
>> I lose
>> * I agree the current list is very effective...so...
>> * what is the presenting problem?  Why ask the question?
>> Had ***NO*** idea there were > 2300 members.  Mostly lurking - but they can
>> unsub whenever they want.  I'm one of the digest members and find it suits
>> me just fine.
>> Best to all.
>> And thanks Rich for your long long long-time service running the list !
>> Jeremy
>> Date: Tue, 9 Jun 2020 21:09:01 +0000 (UTC)
>> From: Marcia Yudkin <yudkinyudkin at yahoo.com>
>> To: HT-discuss <hidden-discuss at lists.hidden-tech.net>
>> Subject: Re: [Hidden-tech] Social Media for HT
>> Message-ID: <887910263.1282724.1591736941856 at mail.yahoo.com>
>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
>> To me, the test of how well an exchange medium is working is not the number
>> of members, the rate of joinings or the number of dropouts - or even the
>> rate of participation - but rather how useful the medium is for those who
>> are on it who urgently or desperately need an answer.? And I would say that
>> by that criterion, the current setup is very useful.
>> We rarely see a question that goes out that gets no answers or no useful
>> discussion.
>> What is the reason for wanting to switch - other than email lists being an
>> old technology???
>> Marcia Yudkin
>> Goshen
>> http://www.yudkin.com
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