[Hidden-tech] Paid interview for IT consultants about remote device administration

Michael Lynch michael at mtlynch.io
Mon Jul 13 14:40:25 UTC 2020

Hi All,

I’m a software developer here in Western Mass (South Hadley). I created a
low-cost, open source KVM over IP device to make it easier for me to
administer my home servers, and I’m curious if it could be useful to small

It’s called TinyPilot:

   - https://tinypilotkvm.com/

I know a lot of the subscribers here provide IT services, so I’d love to
interview you about how you currently handle remote device administration
for things like adjusting BIOS, installing a new OS, or diagnosing a server
whose OS fails to boot.

I promise it’s not a sales pitch. I’m interested in whether I’m on the
right track and what features I can add to make it more useful to IT
professionals. I’ll happily pay your hourly rate for your time.

If you’d be interested in speaking with me, please reply to this thread or
email me directly.

Michael Lynch
michael at mtlynch.iohttps://mtlynch.io
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