[Hidden-tech] How I dealt with Windows 7’a end-of-life

Bram Moreinis bmoreinis at gmail.com
Sun Jan 26 03:26:17 UTC 2020

I happened to have a 250gb SSD and a USB connector for it. It had an unlicensed copy of Windows 7. I also had an older workstation. 

My regular workstation had a licensed Windows 7.  So I pulled it off the LAN, grabbed the license, and upgraded the SSD to Windows 10.

I was then able to boot from the drive over USB on my workstation (which sadly can not accommodate two drives). 

Turns out the workstation boots up much faster on the SSD through the USB than it did on the older Windows 7 SATA drive.  

Bram Moreinis
845-750-2412 (txt)
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