[Hidden-tech] Microsoft Office headache in Windows 10

Aaron E-J the at otherrealm.org
Sun Jan 19 17:03:01 UTC 2020

You could also go to settings > app > search for 'office' or 'word' > 
click once on the icon, click 'modify' > on the window that shows up, 
click repair. I have needed to do this several times on my Office 2010 
(a better version than the current one that has striped out a lot of the 
Or just use LibreOffice - it has as many or more features as Microsoft's 
proprietary version and I find the 'Calc' app has a much better user 
interface than the 'Excel' equivalent.

Aaron E-J
The Other Realm LLC
http://theotherrealm.org (Blog)

On 2020-01-19 9:15 AM, Robert Heller via Hidden-discuss wrote:
> At Sun, 19 Jan 2020 05:48:25 +0000 (UTC) Marcia Yudkin <yudkinyudkin at yahoo.com> wrote:
>> Hi techies!
>> I bought a new Panasonic Windows 10 computer and Microsoft Word on it is giving me no end of headaches.
>> The current headache is that Microsoft has inserted a screen asking me to consider my privacy options.  There is nothing I have tried that will make this screen go away so I can open a Word document.  I have tried changing the computer resolution, quitting via Task Manager, tabbing to every single option available, and nothing works to get me to a "finish" point to get rid of the interpolated screen.
>> Has anyone else encountered this, and how did you solve it?  I have client work I need to get to, and unfortunately do not have access to my old computer at the moment.
> My only thought would be to install LibreOffice and chuck MS Office.
> LibreOffice is free and is likely to "Just Plain Work".
>> Marcia Yudkin
>> Goshen
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